Travel Europe

Safaris by air

Distances in east africa are huge.while v every visitor would wish to experience the beauty of the scenery ,utc recommednd that wherever possible travellers should consider travelling by air ,particularly those who only have a short time in this varied and beautiful counrty
It is now possible to fly direct to many of the the safari lodges and camps in the leading parks and reserves,amboseli,masai mara,samburu in kenya.lake manyara,serengeti and taranggire in tanzania(flights do not land at ngorongoro crater because of the variable weather conditions from hour to hour )regular flights departĀ  fromĀ  nairobi to mombasa and return ,as well as lamu and kiwayu in kenya.kenya airways flies to zanzibar from nairobi almost every day
Flights leave wison airport in nairobi and arrive in arusha in time to connect onto the major safari centers and there are regular flights between arusha and dar es salaam and zanzibar.